There are days where is seems like the time I’ve put in at my site doesn’t add up to much at the end of the day. But I’ve wondered if it’s not to much the ‘doing’ than it is the ‘being.’ Maybe just being a presence at my service site is just as crucial as any individual moment where I’ve helped someone. Maybe just showing up every day ready to take on whatever task is asked of me is enough for those I connect with to see that they are cared for.
It wasn’t until I was out of the city and walking on the trails in the forest that I appreciated just how soothing presence can be. Gazing among the silence in the trees gave me a calm that I didn’t think I was in need of.
As the weeks accelerate towards Thanksgiving and then Christmas I will be doing my best to acknowledge my presence. My presence within myself, my presence in my relationships within my community, and my presence within my service site.
I came back from fall retreat with a new lens with which to look through during my time in Amate House. ‘Being’ can be just as important as ‘doing.’
Enjoy these photos from Fall Retreat:
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